Juan Francisco Ovalle Ortega
Dirección: Departamento de Silvicultura y Conservación de la Naturaleza |
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- Propagación y producción de plantas leñosas.
- Nutrición y calidad de planta.
- Restauración y rehabilitación de bosques.
2019-2024 |
Investigador Asociado. Center of Applied Ecology and Sustainability - CAPES UC (CONICYT FB0002-2014). |
2019-2022 |
Investigador Principal. Seed trait-based species selection for forest restoration in central Chile. FONDECYT Iniciación Nº11191147. |
2018-2020 |
Investigador Principal. Trait-based species selection for forest restoration across a latitudinal climatic gradient in central Chile: Applications for high-quality seedlings production in the nursery. U-INICIA – Universidad de Chile (N°UI021/2018). |
2018-2021 |
Co-investigador : Proyecto Técnicas silviculturales costo-efectivas para reducción de estrés hídrico de plantas en procesos de restauración de bosque esclerófilo.FONDO DE INVESTIGACIÓN DEL BOSQUE NATIVO – CONAF (N°034/2018). |
2017-2018 | Investigador Principal: Exploring the belowground ecosystem in intensive silvicultural management of Pinus taeda. Virginia Tech, VA, USA. POSTDOCTORADO EN EL EXTRANJERO – CONICYT (N°74170111). |
2015-2018 |
Co Investigador: Ecotecnologías para la rehabilitación de botaderos y mejoras para la compensación ambiental de la minería del carbón en Magallanes. CORFO-INNOVA (N°15COTE-46293) |
2009-2014 |
Tesis Doctoral:Nursery fertilization for improving root traits and ecophysiological performance of native Mediterranean species established in drylands of Central Chile.CONICYT, MECESUP-UC |
2007-2008 |
Asistente de Investigación: Rehabilitation of agricultural ecosystems for livestock production in Northern Patagonia, Chile.Agrícola y Forestal Reñihué Ltda. |
2023 | Miranda A, Syphard A, Berdugo M, Carrasco J, Gómez-González S, Ovalle JF, Delpiano C, Vargas S, Squeo F, Miranda M, Dobbs C, Mentler R, Lara A, Garreaud R. 2023. Widespread synchronous decline of Mediterranean-type forest driven by accelerated aridity. Nature Plants (In press). |
2023 | Fernández A, León-Lobos P, Contreras S, Ovalle JF, Sershen N, Van der Walt K, Ballesteros D. 2023. The potential impacts of climate change on ex situ conservation options for recalcitrant-seeded species. Frontiers in Forest and Global Change 6:1110431 https://doi.org/10.3389/ffgc.2023.1110431 |
2023 | Smith-Ramírez C, Grez A, Galleguillos M, Cerda C, Ocampo-Melgar A, Miranda M, Muñoz A, Rendón-Funes A, Díaz I, Cifuentes C, Alaniz A, Seguel O, Ovalle JF, Montenegro G, Saldes-Cortés S, Martínez-Harms MJ, Armesto J, Vita A. Ecosystem services of Chilean sclerophyllous forests and shrublands on the verge of collapse: A review. 2023. Journal of Arid Environments 211: 104927 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaridenv.2022.104927 |
2022 | Rojas-Arevalo N, Ovalle JF, Oliet JA, Piper FI, Valenzuela P, Ginocchio R, Arellano EC. 2022. Solid shelter tubes alleviate summer stresses during outplanting in drought-tolerant species of Mediterranean forests. New Forests 53: 555–569 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11056-021-09872-z |
2021 | Andivia E, Villar-Salvador P, Oliet J, Puértolas J, Dumroese K, Ivetić V, Molina-Venegas R, Arellano E, Li G, Ovalle JF. 2021. Climate and species stress resistance modulate the higher survival of large seedlings in forest restoration worldwide. Ecological Applications 31(6): 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1002/eap.2394 |
2021 |
Ginocchio G, de la Fuente LM, Orrego F, Díaz MJ, Báez J, Ovalle JF. 2021. A novel fast-vegetative propagation technique of the pioneer shrub Baccharis linearis on mine tailings by adding compost. International Journal of Phytoremediation 23(11): 1169-1174. https://10.1080/15226514.2021.1882383 |
2021 |
Acevedo M, Rubilar R, Dumroese K, Ovalle, JF, Sandoval S, Chassin‑Trubert R. 2021. Nitrogen loading of Eucalyptus globulus seedlings: nutritional dynamics and infuence on morphology and root growth potential. New Forests 52: 31–46. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11056-020-09778-2 |
2021 |
Espinoza S, Yáñez M, Magni C, Martínez E, Ovalle JF, Vaswani S. 2021. Growth of provenances of Cryptocarya alba during water stress and after re-watering in the nursery. Scientia Agricola 78(1) 1-8. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1678-992x-2020-0292 |
2018 |
Bannister J, Vargas-Gaete R, Ovalle JF, Acevedo M, Fuentes-Ramírez A, Donoso P, Promis A, Smith-Ramírez C. 2018. Major bottlenecks for the restoration of natural forests in Chile. Restoration Ecology 26(6): 1039–1044. Doi: 10.1111/rec.12880 |
2018 |
De la Fuente LM, Ovalle JF, Arellano EC, Ginocchio R. 2018. Does species with contrasting root architecture require different container size in nursery? Madera y Bosques 24(2): 1-11. Doi: 10.21829/myb.2018.2421419 |
2017 |
De la Fuente LM, Ovalle JF, Arellano EC, Ginocchio R. 2017. Use of alternative containers for promoting deep rooting of native forest species used for dryland restoration: The case of Acacia caven. IForests 10: 776-782. doi: 10.3832/ifor2101-010 http://www.sisef.it/iforest/pdf/?id=ifor2101-010 |
2017 | Ginocchio R, León-Lobos P, Arellano EC, Anic V, Ovalle JF, Baker A. 2017. Soil physicochemical factors as environmental filters for spontaneous plant colonization of abandoned tailing dumps. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24(15): 13484–13496 doi: 10.1007/s11356-017-8894-8 https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs11356-017-8894-8.pdf |
2017 |
Ovalle JF, Ginocchio R, Arellano EC, Valenzuela P. 2017. Root adaptive management to improve plant quality and field performance under drought: Experiences with native tree species from South American Mediterranean-type ecosystem. Plant Sociology 54(1): 19-27. doi: 10.7338/pls2017541S1/03 http://www.scienzadellavegetazione.it/sisv/documenti/Articolo/pdf/515.pdf |
2016 |
Arellano EC, Ovalle JF, Valenzuela P. 2016. Restauración en Chile central: Estrategias para el éxito de programas silviculturales en zonas semiáridas. Revista Chile Forestal 383: 13-14. ISBN: 07161190. |
2016 |
Ovalle JF, Arellano EC, Oliet JA, Becerra P, Ginocchio R. 2016. Linking nursery nutritional status and water availability post-planting under intense summer drought: the case of a South American Mediterranean tree species. IForests 9: 758-765. doi: 10.3832/ifor1905-009. http://www.sisef.it/iforest/pdf/?id=ifor1905-009 |
2016 |
Ovalle JF, Arellano EC, Ginocchio R, Becerra P. 2016. Fertilizer location modifies root zone salinity, root morphology, and water stress resistance of tree seedlings according to the watering regime in a dryland reforestation. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 179: 223–233. doi: 10.1002/jpln.201500181. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jpln.201500181/epdf |
2016 |
Arellano EC, Ovalle JF, Acuña S, Goldschmidt G, Orozco J, Quiroga D. 2016. Propuesta para la evaluación de calidad de áreas verdes para la Región Metropolitana. 18-39 p. En: UC Propone: Iniciativas de Investigaciones en Pregrado. Centro de Políticas Públicas UC. Santiago, Chile. ISBN: 978-956-362-783-1. |
2015 |
Ovalle JF, Arellano EC, Ginocchio R. 2015. Trade-offs between drought survival and rooting strategy of two South American Mediterranean tree species: implications for dryland forests restoration. Forests 6(10): 3733-3747. doi:10.3390/f6103733. http://www.mdpi.com/1999-4907/6/10/3733 |
2013 |
Ovalle JF, Arellano EC. 2013. Development of root morphology in response to nutritional regimens in Quillaja saponaria (Mol.) seedlings. Simiente 83: 115-117. |
2017 |
Annual Conference of Soil Science Society of America. Oct 22-25, 2017. Tampa, FL, USA. Poppe M, Arellano E, Ovalle JF, Antilén M. Understanding soil quality changes after topsoil transfer in reclaimed coal-mining dumps in Southern Patagonia, Chile |
2017 |
International IUFRO Conference of Restoring Forests. Sep 12-14, 2017. Lund, Sweden. Bannister J, Vargas R, Ovalle JF, Fuentes-Ramirez A, Acevedo M, Donoso P, Smith-Ramirez C, Promis A. Bottlenecks for the restoration of natural forests in Southern Chile. |
2017 |
International IUFRO Conference of Restoring Forests. Sep 12-14, 2017. Lund, Sweden. Andivia E, Villar-Salvador P, Oliet J, Puertolas J, Dumroese K, Arellano E, Ovalle JF, et al. Size matters: A global meta-analysis on the relationship between the size of outplanted seedlings and field survival. |
2017 |
Reunión Restauración de Bosques Esclerófilos y Formaciones Xerofíticas. May 10, 2017. Santiago, Chile. Arellano EC, Ovalle JF, Ginocchio R, Becerra, P. Integrando múltiples prácticas silviculturales para el éxito de las reforestaciones con especies nativas de Chile central. |
2016 |
Annual Conference of Soil Science Society of America. Nov 6-9, 2016. Phoenix, USA. Arellano EC, Valenzuela P, Ovalle JF, Burger J. Surface soil replacement improve soil quality for Nothofagus pumilio forest reclamation in Chilean southern Patagonia. |
2016 |
Forest Restoration Workshop INFOR. Oct 19-21, 2016. Parque Tantauco, Chiloé, Chile. Ovalle JF, Arellano EC. Manejo del micrositio para establecimiento de Lenga en Isla Riesco, Magallanes. |
2016 |
LEC Seminar Series. Jul 13, 2016. Lancaster University, UK. Ovalle JF. Ecophysiological responses of Chilean native trees under severe drought. |
2015 |
ECOPLANTMED International Conference. Oct 14-17, 2015. Beirut, Lebanon. Ovalle JF, Arellano E, Ginocchio R. Trade-offs between drought survival and rooting strategy of South American Mediterranean tree species: implications for dryland forests restoration. |
2013 |
III Congreso de Flora Nativa. Sep 05-07, 2013. Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.Ovalle JF, Arellano E. Desarrollo de atributos morfológicos en raíces de Quillaja saponaria (Mol.): implicancias para el manejo en vivero y plantación en ambientes semiáridos. |
2012 |
IUFRO Symposium in Nutrient Dynamics of Planted Forests. Nov 27-28, 2012. Vancouver, USA. Ovalle JF, Arellano E. Understanding roots response to fertilizer location in a Chilean Mediterranean trees. |
2011 |
IV World Conference on Ecological Restoration. Sep 21-25, 2011. Mérida, México. Ovalle JF, Arellano E. Effect of nutritional regimens on seedling quality in Quillaja saponaria (Mol.): implications for post-planting survival in semiarid Mediterranean ecosystem of Central Chile (Poster). |